This checklist may seem obvious, but with all you have been arranging it is easy to forget something and we think this will come in handy to make sure you have everything you need before you leave.
Travel Insurance
A must when travelling, either in Australia or Overseas. You really do need to consider if you can’t afford Travel Insurance, can you afford to travel?
Travel Insurance covers a number of things including:
- Injury
- Cancelled transport
- Accommodation
- Food
- And other items also (various policies are available)
- Usually there is a policy to suit your budget
YOU can safeguard honeymoon, by obtaining Insurance.
Passports, Documents and Itinerary
- Ensure your passport is valid and will not expire whilst you are away
- Make sure all visa’s and entry documents are in place for the areas you are traveling to
- Keep on hand the contact phone numbers and addresses of Australian embassies for any country you are visiting should you need assistance
- Take a photocopy of your passport and all contact details and keep them with you or in a safe place within the hotel should you need another copy
- It is always a good idea to give a copy of your itinerary, accommodation and travel documents to a family member. This will ensure that they know what area you are in should you need to be reached in an emergency. Yes, we know you will have a mobile but it is a good safeguard also.
Keep a copy of both in a separate place so that if you lose one you have a backup or if you need to show customs officers if there is a problem.
You need your luggage to be as safe as possible. You DO NOT want others having access to your contents.
- Ensure your luggage is well labelled with your contact details
- Always a good idea to put tamper proof locks on every opening of any luggage that shall be out of your possession for a while
Travel Adapters
- Can be purchased at the airport if you forget to pack one
- Are essential if you want to keep your phone, tablet or computer charged.
Foreign Currency
- Ensure you have a small amount of the currency required on hand to cover coffee, taxis etc when first arriving at your destination.
- If you plan on using a credit card whilst away then it may pay to check the transaction fees you will be charged
It is going to be so helpful if you learn to say a few words in the dialect of the country you are traveling to.
Some useful words would be:
- Please
- Thank you
- Help
- Police
- Australian Embassy
Have these words written down and on hand to assist if required.
People, Customs & Religion:
Everyone is different and you are in there country not yours.
It would pay to know some of the local customs and even religious beliefs as you may find a simple action such as a female going into a hotel, is frowned upon.
In some cultures women MUST cover their head when in public, finger pointing is another well known no no, as is taking photographs without asking permission.
There are so many, a few hours looking into the does and don’t of the country you are going to will save you embarrassment and more importantly not insult the people of the country you are visiting.
It is always a good idea to have a friend or family member stay at your house, yes, they can have a holiday away from home also, even if they are in the same area.
If your house is going to be unattended it is always a good idea to keep a regular presence at the home.
This can be done in a number of ways:
- Ensure your mail is checked regularly
- Let a neighbour know they can park in your driveway
- Set or arrange for lights to be on and off at different times
- Arrange for the sprinkler in the front yard to be turned on and this will give an indication of a resident.
- Set the TV to come on at different hours at night, again to give a presence of someone home, even if just for an hour.
Pets and Petsitters:
If you are usually home and suddenly going away for a while this can confuse and unsettle a much loved pet.
You can obviously board your pet or have a trusted friend come and walk them and spend time with them and feed them or just have them stay, this way the surroundings and feeding times stay the same and is less confusing to your best pal.
The main thing is to make sure they are well looked after and all you have to do is be prepared for a huge welcome when you walk back in the door.
You have had a wonderful romantic and glamorous wedding day so do not spoil it by putting on your everyday underwear.
Pack something gorgeous, luxurious and sexy to feel special whilst you are on your honeymoon and enjoy the time with your new life partner.
Yes, after the honeymoon, most people do go back to the usual underwear, but make the honeymoon special.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Make sure your honeymoon HAS BEEN booked. We know this sounds so obvious, however, with all the planning and arranging it is quite normal for one person to think the other has arranged it. Communicate and arrange the honeymoon.
Then Enjoy!
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